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If you were summoned for jury duty on Wednesday, March 5, 2025, any and all jury trials have been vacated, and you do not need to report for jury duty.

Self-Help Center

Tehama's Self-Help Center & Family Law Facilitator

Self-Help Assistance & Referral Program (SHARP)

The Self-Help Assistance and Referral Program (SHARP) provides assistance and referrals for all areas of Family Law, including Divorce, Child Custody and visitation, Establishment of Paternity, Step Parent Adoptions, and Guardianships. In addition, the Self-Help program can assist self-represented litigants with a variety of other legal issues.

The self-help center staff does not give legal advice such as one would obtain from private counsel. There is no confidential attorney-client relationship between attorneys at the center and the self represented litigants who seek legal information. The staff will provide information about procedure; substantive law and choices litigants may have, thereby allowing people to make informed decisions about their cases. Staff can assist litigants in completing their legal forms by explaining what information is being sought.

Mission: Serving the Public

Special consideration is given to making the Self Help Center “user friendly” to everyone, regardless of language or ability. Many of the resource materials will be available in Spanish. The Self-Help Center sites provide community based referrals to agencies and non-profit organizations to further help people access the assistance they may need.

Legal Issues Served

The Self-Help program can assist self-represented litigants with a variety of legal issues, including:

  • Child Support
  • Child Custody & Visitation
  • Paternity/Parentage
  • Name Change
  • Dissolution/Legal Separation/Annulments
  • Small Claims (Plaintiff and Defendant)
  • Restraining Orders (and responses)
  • Evictions/Unlawful Detainer (Tenant and Landlord)
  • Expungement
  • Guardianship/Guardianship Terminations (Probate)
  • Emancipation (of Minor)

View a more complete list of issues served.

How to Get Assistance

Assistance is provided through workshops and individual appointments. Please call for an appointment.

The SHARP Program provides several services in the family law area that are not offered by the Family Law Facilitator's Office. These services include the following:

  • Providing assistance to the parties in finalizing their divorce (obtaining a final judgment);
  • Providing assistance to parties in initiating and responding to Orders to Show Cause and Notice of Motion for issues other than child and spousal support (How to get interim orders for control of property, use of vehicles, assignment of responsibility for the payment of debts, etc.);
  • Providing assistance to parties in initiating and responding to Change of Venue Motions;
  • Providing information to parties on how to proceed with summary dissolution (How to obtain an uncontested divorce);
  • Providing assistance to parties in initiating and responding to domestic violence restraining orders.
  • Providing assistance to all parties in the preparation of all documents involved in guardianships.
  • Providing assistance to parties in initiating and responding to injunctions prohibiting harassment (civil harassment).

Do you need assistance with something else? Please call us for a free referral to another agency/person that may be able to assist you!

You DO NOT need to be a resident of Glenn, Butte, or Tehama County to receive help from our Self Help Centers. We assist anyone with the above types of legal issues.

Family Law Facilitator

The Family Law Facilitator provides assistance with child support and spousal support.

Services include the following:

  • Providing educational materials to parents concerning the court process of establishing parentage and establishing, modifying and enforcing child and spousal support;
  • Distributing necessary court forms and voluntary declarations of paternity, assistance in completing the forms;
  • Preparing support schedules based upon statutory guidelines;
  • Providing referrals to the local child support agency, family court services and other community resources that provide services for parents and children; and
  • Providing assistance on child support issues.

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