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If you were summoned for jury duty on Wednesday, March 5, 2025, any and all jury trials have been vacated, and you do not need to report for jury duty.

Family Court Services

Family Court Services (FCS) provides mediation in family law cases when separating or divorcing parents cannot agree on a child custody parenting plan.

Mediation is provided in a private counseling office with a child custody recommending counselor. The mediation conference allows both parents to work together toward a mutually acceptable agreement which is in the best interest of the children. The mediation session will last approximately 1 1/2 to 2 1/2 hours. For additional information, view the Mediation Orientation Presentation and the Parent Handbook.

In preparation for mediation

First Steps After Being Referred to Mediation:

  1. If you are referred from court: Contact Family Court Services (located on 1st floor or call (530) 528- 7608) and schedule an appointment and complete your intake packet.
  2. If you are referred from a request for order: Ensure the proof of services is filed with the court, then contact Family Court Services (located on 1st floor or call (530) 528-7608) and schedule an appointment and complete your intake packet.
  3. Watch the Parent Orientation Video. Once you have watched the video please email ( or call Family court services (530) 528-7608 and inform them of both your case number and your name confirming you have watched the video in its entirety.

Please note that it is imperative for both parties to attend in order for mediation to occur. Therefore, if both parties have not confirmed their attendance with our office by Tuesday the week prior to their appointment, then the appointment will be cancelled. However, if domestic violence is an issue in your case you may request separate sessions and/or bring a support person with you. A significant other will not be permitted to serve as a support person.

Mandatory Mediation

In any dissolution matter regarding child custody and visitation where there is a dispute, Family Code Section 3170 mandates that the case will be set for mediation prior to the court hearing. If agreement is reached, it is reported to the court (through the attorneys) and thus the court hearing may be cancelled since the family made its own decision. If no agreement is reached, a recommendation will be made by the child custody recommending counselor and the court hearing will proceed.


  1. Fill out your Request for Order form.
  2. After filing your Request for Order packet at the clerk's office at the courthouse and after the other party has been served in a timely manner, go immediately to Family Court Services, or call (530) 527-2170 to schedule an appointment.
  3. Prior to your mediation appointment, you will need to fill out an intake packet, which can be found on this site. Please arrive 15 minutes early
  4. Prior to your mediation appointment, you must watch the Parent Orientation Video. Once you have watched the video please email ( or call Family Court Services (530) 528-7608 and inform them of both your case number and your name confirming you have watched the video in its entirety.

Please note that it is imperative for both parties to attend in order for mediation to occur. Therefore, if both parties have not confirmed their attendance with our office by Tuesday the week prior to their appointment, then the appointment will be cancelled. However, if domestic violence is an issue in your case you may request separate sessions and/or bring a support person with you. A significant other will not be permitted to serve as a support person.

The Purpose of Family Court Service

Consistent with the spirit of California law, the purpose of Family Court Services is to:

  1. Assist families in the settlement of domestic controversies involving the welfare of children where there is an action in Family Court.
  2. Try to ensure children get frequent and continuing contact with both parents after the dissolution of marriage or end of a relationship.
  3. Encourage parents to cooperate and share the rights and responsibilities of parenting during and following a dissolution.

Legal Terms Relating to Child Custody

The designated time in which the non-custodial parent shall have responsibility of the children, or the specific time allotted to each parent.

Legal Custody
The rights and responsibilities of parents to make decisions relating to the health, education and welfare of their children.

Joint Legal Custody
Both parents share in the right and responsibility to make decisions relating to the health, education and welfare of a child.

Sole Legal Custody
One parent has the right and responsibility to make decisions relating to the health, education and welfare of a child.

Physical Custody
How much time the children spend with each parent; where the children live; how day-to-day responsibilities are fulfilled.

Joint Physical Custody
Children spend a significant amount of time with each parent.

Sole Physical Custody
Children reside primarily with one parent and spend far less time with the other parent.

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