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If you were summoned for jury duty on Wednesday, March 5, 2025, any and all jury trials have been vacated, and you do not need to report for jury duty.

E-File CA

E-File Now Available

Pursuant to California Rules of Court 2.250-2.261 and Civil Code of Procedure 1010.6, Superior Court of California, County of Tehama is now live with Odyssey® eFileCA which allows users to easily open court cases and e-file (electronically file) documents for a new case or existing case anytime and from anywhere — 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year. E-filing court documents significantly streamlines the case filing process and provides benefits to both the filer and the court. E-Filing modernizes the traditional filing process by allowing case parties to digitally submit files through an electronic filing service provider (EFSP).

Tehama is accepting e-filing for all case types excluding Adoptions. Initial and subsequent filings for Civil, Family, Probate and Juvenile. Subsequent filings for Criminal and Traffic.

Documents may be electronically transmitted to the court at any time of the day. Pursuant to CCP 1010.6(b)(3), any document received electronically by the court between 12:00 a.m. and 11:59:59 p.m. on a court day shall be deemed filed on that court day. Any document that is received electronically on a non-court day shall be deemed filed on the next court day.

**Documents filed the same day as the hearing cannot be guaranteed a timely delivery for judicial review**

Tips for an effective electronic filing

                                                                      Start eFiling


Electronic Filing may only be performed using an authorized e-Filing Service Provider (EFSP). Visit  for a list of available EFSPs. As each EFSP is an independent vendor, instructions for use of each site must be obtained from the corresponding provider. Please be aware that each EFSP will also establish their own fees and rules for use. Some EFSPs may provide their services free of charge, while others may charge a per-filing or monthly flat rate fee. Some may also offer premium services that others do not. It is recommended that parties investigate the services provided by several EFSPs to determine which best meets their needs.

Civil Division Criminal Division
Peremptory Challenges, Disqualifications Peremptory Challenges, Disqualifications
Wills, Codicils Subpoenas, Subpoenaed Documents
Bonds Exhibits
Subpoenas, Subpoenaed Documents Copy Requests


Copy Requests  
Writs, Abstracts  
Family Law excluding DCSS - Notice of Entry of Judgments & Defaults  

Fees will be waived for any party filing under an approved Fee Waiver or as a fee-exempt Government entity. Any usage fees charged directly by the EFSPs are outside the Court's control and cannot be waived by the Court.

In addition to any fees charged by the EFSP, a $3.50 per-transaction e-Filing fee will be charged for each electronically filed “envelope” (an envelope is a single e-Filing submission on a particular case that may contain one or more documents). This fee does not apply to Criminal case types.

Parties paying Filing Fees by Credit Card will also be charged a processing fee that is a percentage of the overall transaction (filing fee per the Court's fee schedule plus $3.50 e-Filing fee, if applicable) to cover the cost of the credit card transaction.

Parties paying by eCheck will be also be charged a flat fee of $0.25 per transaction in lieu of the percentage-based credit card processing fee, plus the standard filing fee per the Court's fee schedule.

Standard forms of payment are: Visa, Master Card, Discover, and eCheck.

Document Requirements

Yes, all documents submitted for e-Filing must conform with California Rules of Court, rule 2.256 subdivision (b)

California Rules of Court, rule 2.257 outlines requirements for signatures on documents submitted electronically to the court. While digital signatures are not required, if you choose to utilize them for your filing, please contact your electronic filing service provider for reference materials on how to set up digital signatures.

It is the responsibility of the party or their attorney to exclude or redact confidential identifiers identified in California Rules of Court, rule 1.201. The court clerk will not review each pleading or other paper for compliance.

PDF files (or documents in a word processing format that will be converted to a PDF file can be uploaded.) For a complete listing, please contact your Electronic Filing Service Provider). If you choose to scan documents, we recommend scanning at a resolution of 300 dpi; this will allow you to maximize the number of pages per megabyte while maintaining readability.

Individual documents as large as 25 megabytes and a transaction up to 35 megabytes can be accepted. If you believe your document or transaction may exceed these limits, please contact the electronic filing service provider for assistance in optimizing your files and utilizing their File Transfer Protocol (FTP) for extremely large documents.

Frequently Asked Questions

For Family Law Settlements and Civil Case Management Conferences, a Notice of Hearing will be mailed to the submitting party.

The filer will receive a response indicating the filing was rejected and providing reason(s).

Parties seeking information regarding e-Filing should first read these FAQs, 1010.6 of the Code of Civil Procedure, and rules 2.250-2.261 of the California Rules of Court. Otherwise, parties may contact the court directly.

The court will return accepted and filed documents, to the filing parties through their EFSP.

Documents that require a Judicial Officer signature may be picked up at the respective clerk’s office or a request may be submitted by Mailing a self-addressed, stamped envelope and a check or money-order for the cost of the copies at $.50 per page per Gov. Code 70626(a)(4).

These documents are e-Filed using the regular e-Filing process and should be submitted as a Proposed Order/Judgment.

If a case is ordered sealed by the court, it is not eligible for e-Filing. Because it is sealed, your Electronic Filing Service Provider will not have any information regarding your case. Please submit your documents at the appropriate courthouse if they are for a case that has been sealed by the court.

Letters and the corresponding orders may be submitted together with the petition or another respective filing.

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